Meet all our videobuddies!

These Nordic SMEs leveled up their video marketing game with our AI-powered tool
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You are in good company!
We've found Videobuddy to be our trusty ally. Its intuitive interface and editing tools have made crafting short, vibrant videos super easy.
For Christmas, I wanted to create an advent calendar, and I discussed it with Anton. He liked the idea and offered to make a template for us, and it turned out amazing. I have many ideas that they passionately work with.
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How Turntime Uses Videobuddy

Turntime simple text into scroll-stopping videos, empowers all team members, regardless of skill levels, to bring their ideas to life—no more wisdom lost in translation.
Videobuddy doesn’t just deliver high-impact videos in a few clicks, it accelerates workflows, fosters collaboration, and inspires seamless teamwork for unparalleled productivity.
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This is how our customers use Videobuddy

More videos, views, engagement, savings, applicants, leads and followers... 1000+ brands are making it happen. With Storykit.

An always on, always on-budget, AI Powered video creation tool!

10x less investment, 5x higher ROIs
Don’t just save money on production teams and outsourcing. The ease of making videos and an always on video strategy with the right message, also boosts your ROIs.
Create a coherent brand identity, effortlessly
Use templates and brand guides to ensure every video builds seamlessly on your brand's value and visual identity. Nail both brand and social media KPIs.
Beat creative blocks with AI
Not an expert story-teller or video editor? don’t really love video making? no worries. Our powerful AI will craft scripts, animations and edits for you.
We’d love for us to be videobuddies! 

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